Welcome to our Blog

We want to give you an open entry into our world and the way we see things. Explore our sections to find a little bit of everything; our solutions, our industry, trends and the “side B” of the Pixeron story.






Get to know who we are, our solutions, and our cultural beliefs around women inclusion, a child-centric world, and a fulfilling life.

Challenge of the month: notice the glass ceiling

Challenge of the month: notice the glass ceiling

At Pixeron, we believe that women need support to reach their full potential as professionals and otherwise. Women centric is one of our main pillars and one we stand by with practices such as our partnership with Laboratoria and our overall business focus. This is...

LABORATORIA: ¿quiénes son las mujeres que trabajan en Pixeron?

LABORATORIA: ¿quiénes son las mujeres que trabajan en Pixeron?

By: Andrea Guzmán Hace 7 años surgió un nuevo proyecto en el ecosistema digital, una plataforma que busca abrir oportunidades para que las mujeres puedan desarrollar su potencial. Este proyecto se llama Laboratoria. Su lanzamiento en Lima, Perú en el año 2014 tenía...

Product & Industry

Learn in a friendly way about our industry shifts and tech tools & solutions for digital marketing.

Tik Tok: Beneficios e Impacto en el Marketing Digital

Tik Tok: Beneficios e Impacto en el Marketing Digital

La popularidad de Tik Tok creció de manera exponencial a finales de 2020 y su crecimiento sigue en aumento, lo que permitió acelerar el desarrollo de su plataforma para negocios y que las marcas tuvieran mayor interés en invertir en anuncios dentro de la red...

Latest News

Our point of view on the latest news and trends around tech & working culture.

She-cession: how the pandemic caused a gender based recession

She-cession: how the pandemic caused a gender based recession

By: Andrea Guzmán The economic consequences derived from the COVID-19 pandemic have proved challenging for countries around the world. Borders across many countries and regions are closed, halting income on the tourism front. Restaurants and bars have struggled, with...

Pixeron’s Five

Read about our 5 favourite picks.