Welcome to our Blog
We want to give you an open entry into our world and the way we see things. Explore our sections to find a little bit of everything; our solutions, our industry, trends and the “side B” of the Pixeron story.




Get to know who we are, our solutions, and our cultural beliefs around women inclusion, a child-centric world, and a fulfilling life.
The (personal) Story of Pixeron
By: María José My personal story is just the same as millions of women out there performing drastic career changes when being mothers. Some just quit if possible, some start a new business, some change careers. None of these are easy to do. But the common denominator...
Welcome to Pixeron’s Blog
By: María José Welcome to Pixeron. A world within a world. A company made of people and values. Of history and goals. This blog is the “side B” of the Pixeron story, but one that we believe is as important to share as the products and solutions we offer. Yes, we are...
Product & Industry
Learn in a friendly way about our industry shifts and tech tools & solutions for digital marketing.
What is a “cookieless world”, and what does it mean for businesses?
By: Olga Contreras One of the most relevant items in today’s digital marketing agenda is the terrifying but fascinating phenomenon of the upcoming disappearance of third-party cookies in web browsers. What does this mean? To understand the impact that a cookieless...
What is Facebook Conversions API?
By: Analhí Guadarrama and Karen Amicone In this article we’ll try to explain what Facebook Conversions API is, and what are the benefits it could bring to your business. What’s an API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. To put it simply, it’s a software...
Hacia un ecosistema digital sin cookies: una mirada a las integraciones de Facebook
Por: Federico Kalos Hace poco más de dos años los principales navegadores anunciaron un bloqueo significativo o definitivo a las cookies de terceros, algo que se estima llegará finalmente en 2022. Este bloqueo alterará el ecosistema de publicidad digital, que...
Latest News
Our point of view on the latest news and trends around tech & working culture.
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Pixeron’s Five
Read about our 5 favourite picks.
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